Roll-log NTS-1 Pack
Unless specified everything here will also work with Prologue / XD.
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2D Wavetable Oscillator in a 13x6 matrix.
knobA for X-axis of 13 indexes, knobB for Y-axis of 6 indexes.
PTSW: Portamento Unison Sawtooth Oscillator
knobA for portamento, knobB for unison detune
LFO>Shape gives vibrato (normal pitch mod will be slowed by the portamento)
: Feedback FM Oscillator
knobA: -/+ feedback amount, knobB: algo square<> saw
: Fractional Ratio FM with experimental band-limiting design
knobA: FM amount, knobB: FM ratio (1x~4x)
: 12-Voice Paraphonic Sawtooth
knobA: decay env time, knobB: detune amount.
*KnobA/B correspond to Shape/ Shift-Shape on Prologue / XD.
**If an osc/fx uses literally the same code on all platforms (Prologue/XD/NTS-1), I just simply provide a .prlgunit file. The NTS-1 Librarian warns about whether stuff is "specifically optimized" because it use a single chip for all processing, combining heavier osc/fx may cause control-lags and audio-crackles (just like daw does when audio buffer set too low). Using it's file extension .ntkdigunit won't help in that case.